Saturday, July 10, 2010

the C-Prime Bracelet

So I have seen the infomercials regarding this "new" wonder bracelet called the C-Prime Bracelet that is making claims to add strength and energy to our lives and I then had a cousin who said she bought one.  She posted that it was helping her feel stronger and then again she wasn't sure if it was just a placebo effect.

I did some checking and I liked the video link above called 'Not really testing the "magic bracelet" on Today Tonight'. (hover over the names and scroll until you find it at this site.)  A reporter from Australia did a "blind" test and found some interesting results. Basically, the conclusion I got from the video testimonials is that the mind is highly responsive to suggestions and that is why this bracelet works.  All-in-all the people who were "tested" who were also the doctors and scientists in the group, did not believe the claims.  The "people" who use them though say they work.  Interesting.

In the testimonial that I mentioned above, they took the "hologram" which apparently has the magnetic field in it from the bracelet and placed it in a credit credit card and they had 5 other credit cards that were just credit cards. From behind, they placed the credit cards in six subjects back pockets and then did the "test" for strength.  They asked the manufacturer  to "pick" the person who he felt had the "hologram" in their pocket based on the strength increase he had seen.  They did the test two times and each time the man did NOT guess the right person.  This indicates that it is about positive thoughts and you THINK you are stronger because the magnetic field is on you.

A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez) from the New York Yankees also has his personal testimonial and I found it on-line.  He thinks it helps hum but then I'm not sure if I can totally believe everything he is saying.  He has been known to stretch the truth in the past, if you remember. called it a "scam" and the FCC is involved with busting up the pyramid operation.  Not surprising, either way.  Don't know who I trust less, pyramid schemes or the FCC.  I'm just sayin....

Some in the testimonials were quite harsh in their opinions (usually they were educated) calling it a modern day "snake oil".  I tthought the whole discussion was interesting though.  We all are looking for the "fountain of youth" was my conclusion!

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